
As part of our strategy and purpose to champion the potential of young people, last year we launched a new programme, CareerSense, to support 13-24-year olds with readiness for work, aiming to reach over 10,000 young people this year.

Research from NatWest conducted in 2021 showed that almost half (46%) of 16-24s were concerned about their ability to secure a job following the coronavirus pandemic; 39% were concerned about their ability to succeed in the workplace, and 38% their ability to succeed in education.

CareerSense is an employability programme which gives 13–24-year-olds the tools and opportunities to discover new skills, boost their confidence and kickstart their journey into the world of work.

We’re starting to reach more young people and hear how it’s helping them to thrive.

One youth delivery partner for CareerSense Find Your Path commented that “the difference has been night and day” amongst the cohort between the start and end of the programme – Youth Delivery Partner, Find Your Path


“I've taken part in an abundance of opportunities after gaining the courage to do so…” Ivy House Award student


“the capabilities and skills we learnt about were useful and the tasks were fun” – student who completed Skills Exploration Workshop


Here’s how CareerSense has supported young people so far:

  • Over 13,200 13-18 year olds have completed a Skills Exploration or Dream Bigger Workshop in school
  • We’ve enrolled 28 16-24 year olds who are not in education, employment or training on to CareerSense Find Your Path with another 15 due to start in Bristol end June.We’ve worked with regional youth delivery partners including TigersCareer ConnectInspire! and Ablaze and would like to thank them for their continued support
  •  Our colleagues have mentored 5c0 school students aged 16-18 through our partnership with Career Ready
  • 150 young people have taken part in Insight Weeks and Work Placements through various social mobility partners
  • We’ve sponsored over 800 16-18 year olds through Fair Change Funding of the Ivy House Award and are on track to sponsor 2000 by the end of 2024
  • We’ve launched Find Your Potential – a tool to help young people better understand their skills and strengths. You can learn more about it and sign up here

If you’re a teacher or careers advisor and you’d like to book a workshops for your secondary school you can sign up here

We’re proud supporters of Career Ready UKThe Sutton Trust and Social Mobility Foundation and would encourage more people to volunteer through these organisations to support young people to thrive.

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