Caution about climate metrics and data required for climate-related reporting.
Climate metrics, whether historical or forward-looking are more inherently uncertain and, therefore, less reliable than metrics based on historical financial statements and forward-looking climate metrics and more uncertain and less reliable than historical metrics due to their forward-looking nature and assumptions about future matters that are not certain. There are many significant uncertainties, assumptions and judgements underlying climate metrics that limit the extent to which climate metrics are reliable. For more information on cautions about climate metrics and data required for climate reporting please refer to Section 7.1 (‘Caution about climate metrics and data required for climate reporting’) of our 2023 Climate-Related Disclosures Report.
Caution about forward-looking statements.
Certain parts of our own operational footprint webpage contains climate-related and other forward-looking statements and metrics, such as aims, ambitions, climate scenarios, estimates, forecasts, emissions intensity pathways, plans, projections and targets. There are many significant uncertainties, assumptions, judgements, opinions, estimates, forecasts and statements made of future expectations underlying these forward-looking statements which could cause actual results, performance, outcomes or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking such statements. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements. The most important of these uncertainties and factors that could cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements are summarised in (i) the ‘Risk Factors’ included on pages 420 to 444 of our 2023 Annual Report and Accounts (with special regard to the risk factors in relation to ‘Climate and sustainability-related risks’ that describe several particular uncertainties, climate and sustainability-related risks to which NatWest Group is exposed and which may be amended from time to time); and Section 7.2 (‘Climate-related and other forward-looking statements and metrics’) of our 2023 Climate-Related Disclosures Report.
Caution about references to websites.
Reference to websites and other reports is made for information purposes only. To the extent permitted by law, NatWest Group makes no representation, warranty or assurance of any kind, express or implied, or takes no responsibility or liability as to the fairness, accuracy, reliability, reasonableness, correctness or completeness with respect to (i) the third-party information found at any websites operated by third parties; or (ii) the information provided in any case studies.