Community & culture

Next generation of women leaders inspired by local finance, technology and engineering experts

RBS International hosted STEMFest with Girlguiding, working with local volunteers and organising a range of activities to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and maths among girls in Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. 

  • Over 130 girls attended STEMFest, hosted by RBS International in association with Girlguiding Jersey
  • Finance, engineering, cyber security and conservation professionals from across Jersey volunteered
  • Third event designed to inspire girls to pursue careers in STEM following success in Isle of Man and Guernsey


Girls aged 7 to 14 were invited to Jersey’s STEMFest over the weekend, hosted by RBS International in association with Girlguiding. Hearing from local experts and taking part in a range of activities aimed to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

The event involved local volunteers hosting interactive activities to build the girls’ confidence, interest and motivation in STEM. The volunteers represented a wide range of roles across various sectors, including finance, technology, engineering, marine conservation, and meteorology.

From exploring the local ecosystem with Jersey Marine Conservation and Jersey National Trust, to experiencing immersive technology with virtual reality headsets and learning how to code, the girls gained a wide insight into STEM industries.

The various projects allowed the girls to work with experts in their fields, teaching them new skills including problem-solving, information gathering and how to approach challenges from different perspectives.

The RBS International team hopes to increase the number of girls who go on to study related subjects in higher education and boost gender equality in STEM jobs.


Oliver Holbourn, Chief Executive Officer, RBS International, said:

“Women are underrepresented in our industry and across the wider STEM sector and to change this we need inspire girls as early as possible."

“We are honoured to host STEMFest for a third time and are grateful to all the volunteers who are helping more girls gain relevant experience and meet diverse role models as they continue their education and look ahead to career options.”


Helen Barette, Island Commissioner, Girlguiding Jersey, said:

“Girlguiding Jersey are thrilled to have been invited to a STEMFest event by RBS International. Our aim at Girlguiding is to empower girls to discover the best in themselves through fun, friendship, challenge and adventure and this is an amazing opportunity to encourage our Brownies and Guides to explore STEM subjects and meet some female role models."

“I would like to thank all the RBS International staff for offering this opportunity to our members, and inspiring them through a fun morning of activities.”


Carla Jardim from Jersey Cyber Security Centre volunteered on the day and said:

“It’s vital that girls have the support and inspiration to follow their natural passion for problem-following, exploring and asking questions – all of these traits are central to a career in STEM.”


RBS International has partnered with Girlguiding to organise three STEMFest events across the Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey, attended by over 320 girls in total. The first of which took place last October in the Isle of Man and, after positive reviews, STEMFest Guernsey followed to encourage more girls to consider STEM subjects at school and ultimately a career in the field.


Notes to editors:

  • Local professionals representing various aspects of the STEM sector volunteered at the Jersey event yesterday, including:
  • Kevin McIlwee (Chairman), Beverley Murtaugh-McIlwee, Katherine Dunn and Katie Le Rougetel from Jersey Marine Conservation
  • Josh Feldman and Cris Sellares from National Trust Jersey
  • Carla Jardim from the Jersey Cyber Security Centre
  • Chloe Macdonald and Tessa Ryan from Jersey Electricity
  • Mafalda dos Santos from Government of Jersey, and Chair of the Channel Islands Group of Professional Engineers
  • Lynn Cleary, Non-Executive Director at Ports of Jersey
  • Justyna Niedospial from the Jersey Meteorological Office
  • Debbie Janson and Laura Maybury, Girlguiding Southwest Ambassadors


Download photos:

  1. Girlguides and volunteers in Jersey
  2. Marine activity with Girlguide
  3. Dissection activity with Girlguide 

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