
The detailed local lending data, which forms part of a joint data reporting exercise with UK Finance and other major UK banks, gives a snapshot of lending balances in 120 postcode areas across Great Britain and around 11,000 postcode sectors at the end of December 2021.

NatWest Group lent a total of £207 billion in mortgages, personal loans and business loans to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Mortgages make up the largest element of this total with £171 billion in lending, followed by SME lending at £30 billion and then personal lending with £6 billion.

This joint data reporting exercise is intended to provide greater transparency and help deliver a detailed picture of the borrowing landscape across the country. Our drive for transparency is balanced with ensuring our customers’ confidentiality. Therefore, along with other banks, we have withheld postcode sector data which would risk disclosure of any individual customer’s borrowing.


The Excel files below provide detailed postcode area and postcode sector by each of the lending streams for NatWest and RBS at the end of December 2021. The Excel files also provide an explanation of what the data represents and how to interpret it.


NWG Mortgages Q4 2021 (xlsx 496KB)


NWG Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Q4 2021 (xlsx 439KB)


NWG Personal Lending Q4 2021 (xlsx 461KB)

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