
Patrick Flynn

Independent non-executive director

Date of appointment: 

1 June 2018

Contribution to the Boards:

Patrick contributes significant retail and commercial banking experience to the Board, together with a background in complex organisational restructuring and technology transformation. This experience enables Patrick to provide insightful contributions to Board discussions on complex matters, alongside his significant financial knowledge and expertise.

Relevant experience: 

Patrick was the Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Executive Board of ING Group for over eight years to May 2017. Prior to that, he worked for HSBC for 20 years. Patrick is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland.

Current external appointments: 

  • Non-executive director and Senior Independent Director of Aviva plc    

Committee memberships: 

  • NWH Audit Committee (Chairman)
  • NWH Nominations Committee
  • NWH Board Risk Committees