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2012 Sustainability Report launch

RBS Group Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester, and Chairman Sir Philip Hampton, today welcome the publication of the 2012 RBS Sustainability Report, which brings together the wide range of work that's going on to make RBS Group a more sustainable company.

RBS Group Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester, and Chairman Sir Philip Hampton, today welcome the publication of the 2012 RBS Sustainability Report, which brings together the wide range of work that's going on to make RBS Group a more sustainable company.

In the Report, Stephen speaks candidly about what was a very challenging year for the sector, and why the experiences of 2012 served to underline the need to operate in a more responsible and sustainable way. He also points out the good progress that RBS is making in doing just that.

As well as introducing a Q&A section with the Group CEO, we’ve added a new feature ranking the key issues raised with us by stakeholders. Read the report, and add your comments.

Today is also the launch of the RBS ‘Financing the energy sector’ booklet, containing enhanced disclosure around our lending to this sector.

Our success is best judged by our customers and wider stakeholders, so we’d like to encourage your feedback on the Report and its contents.

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