
With the political and macro economic landscape set to continue to change, Coutts remains broadly positive towards markets generally but sees the need to be selective with only a slight preference for risk assets overall. In some areas Coutts has rotated into more defensive positions. Elsewhere, there is a preference for alternative asset classes such as absolute return strategies and property over government bonds.

Coutts remains positive on the investment themes identified at the beginning of the year. Some of them – such as technology and European equity – have already delivered good results. Emerging market bonds have also been added to the list of favoured asset types, as emerging economies benefit from stable global growth.

Mohammad Syed, Managing Director and Head of Global Markets at Coutts, said: “We will remain steadfast in following our investment principles, focusing on opportunities that we believe are inexpensive relative to their long-term value. The normalising global economic environment (with growth picking up and interest rates rising) has been positive for risk assets and has pushed equity and credit valuations up, but we are watching closely for signs of slowdown.”

Mohammad Syed continued: “As we look ahead we see a stable global economy underpinned by growth in the US that will continue to provide support to markets. The investment themes we set out at the beginning of the year have performed well, and we continue to see potential for growth in these areas. In the meantime we’ve added emerging market bonds to our portfolios and funds, to benefit from strengthening economies in the developing world.

“As ever there are risks on the horizon but uncertain times bring new opportunities into view. Change is inevitable, and making sure your investments are positioned for the future is key to meeting the challenges ahead. With this in mind we will be sticking to the regimen that has served us well. Throughout the coming months we will be guided by our investment principles to find attractively priced quality investments with the aim of protecting our clients’ wealth in the long term.”

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