

Karen Scobie

Karen Scobie Nutrition

The EntrepreneurialSpark journey so far for me has been fantastic. I started off with an app idea which has now progressed in a slightly different direction.  The focus has been moved to my existing nutrition business and this has been invaluable.

My passion is helping my clients regain their health using food and by changing their lifestyle.  My business has been mainly one-to-one client sessions, but reaching a wider audience has always been my goal, therefore making nutrition more accessible to more people.  Ken Whipp, my Enabler at EntrepreneurialSpark’s Glasgow Hatchery, has made me think seriously about how I can achieve this and since I started in February the difference in my business has been huge.

I am running 20 minute nutrition clinics for £15 and also offering hourly workshops to medium to large companies - costing their employees just £10 if there is a minimum of 10 people. This then creates more one-to-one clients and grows my business further. Bringing my ideas to life is a great boost.

To be an entrepreneur you need to have passion for your product or service, think outside the box, be willing to change, have a positive state of mind and be daring and brave.

One of my biggest challenges is promoting myself.  I am good at what I do but promoting myself has always been my weak area – EntrepreneurialSpark is really helping me with this.

To describe EntrepreneurialSpark in three words, I would say: collaboration, friendly and supportive.

You can tweet Karen at @KsNutrition


                                                                                                                                 Jimmy Johnston MBE


Various reasons brought me to EntrepreneurialSpark. Initially it was a desire to help a friend set up and launch a new global business. I also had a personal need to re-engage with society after retiring early to care for my parents - it was a privilege to share quality time with them, although I became almost housebound in the role of full-time carer.

My business is ‘MyRentals’, which works with boutique hotels, B&Bs, guest houses, and private home owners to help vacationers find accommodation and related services online. We’ve introduced some unique elements not yet on the market, incentivising and rewarding the owners, as well as building on the services around the accommodation’s location. We believe this provides an enhanced experience to the customer, giving lifelong memories and also creating a lasting legacy in the community.

My biggest achievement so far has been getting up and out of the house again! Also the ability to build a network of new contacts with many of the young entrepreneurs in the program has been terrific. They have enthused and inspired this ‘olderpreneur’ and managed to give me a new lease of life.

My aim whilst with EntrepreneurialSpark is to list 1000+ properties on the site and to complete and launch ‘MyRentals’ so that we can provide new job and business opportunities for many young folk in Scotland and abroad. If you have links with any of the above property sectors, do not hesitate to contact me!

You can tweet Jimmy at @jim


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