
RBS has adopted global standards which draw on good practice from around the world. Developed by the UN Human Rights Office, they set out actions companies can take to protect the rights of LGBTI individuals. These include eliminating unfair treatment in the workplace; making sure business operations do not contribute to discrimination against customers, suppliers or members of the public; and working with business partners to address discriminatory practices up and down the supply chain. They also encourage companies to stand up for the rights of LGBTI people in the countries where they operate – including through advocacy and support for local organizations.
The five standards are:

  • Respect the human rights of LGBTI workers, customers and members of the public
  • Eliminate workplace discrimination against LGBTI employees
  • Support LGBTI employees at work
  • Prevent discrimination and related abuses against LGBTI customers, suppliers and distributors – and insist that suppliers do the same
  • Stand up for the human rights of LGBTI people in the communities where companies do business

Marjorie Strachan, RBS’ Head of Inclusion, said: “At RBS we are proud to support the UN Standards of Conduct to tackle LGBT+ discrimination in the workplace. The standards send a powerful message not only to our bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender colleagues and customers, but also to the wider community, that there is no room for discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

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