

When I saw footage of the suffering happening in Yemen it really affected me. There are almost half a million children starving, millions of people too poor to buy essential food or medicine, and high risk of disease due to unclean water and poor sanitation. Children face the greatest risk of starvation.

One of the great things about my job is that I am in a position to do something about this situation as I can co-ordinate the bank’s support of the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Appeal.

DEC is an umbrella organisation made up of a group of international aid charities which launches and coordinates responses to major disasters such as the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

At RBS we are supporting the appeal with a corporate donation of £50,000 and by allowing our customers who are directly impacted by the crisis to make free money transfers to family and friends in Yemen during the appeal.

We are also prompting our customers, colleagues and members of the public to give to the DEC Yemen Crisis Appeal by accepting free over-the-counter donations in all our branches, encouraging any LINK member bank customer to donate to the appeal directly through our ATMs, and by publicising the DEC appeal on our external and internal channels.


UK aid will match all public donations for the appeal up to £5 million. You can find out more about the Yemen Crisis Appeal here.

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