
Tariq and Arkhan from our Financial Health and Support Centre explain how they’re working to support people with their financial wellbeing.

At our Financial Health and Support Centre, a dedicated team of specialist advisers are working to help customers who find themselves in a difficult financial position. The team is fielding calls from customers from all walks of life, often hearing from people who have never struggled before.


“You’ve got fuel increases and energy bills going up,” says Tariq. “All this combined creates a lot of uncertainty for the customer about how they’ll be able to afford things going forward and how it will impact their mortgage.”


The team works closely with customers to address those concerns. Together, they look at different options to help the customer get back to financial stability. 

Knowing that I had a massive impact on a customer’s life is absolutely amazing.

Arkhan Miah
Financial Health and Support Team

Support can include pointing customers in the direction of our Cost of Living pages, which offer practical guidance about budgeting and managing money, but also identifying options for more targeted, personalised support.


The support can be long-lasting. For one mortgage customer, the relationship with the team spanned 18 months, as Tariq explains: “The customer had a lot going on and needed a bit of breathing space from the bank. I adopted an approach where I became a single point of contact. We agreed a monthly touch-base and built a fantastic rapport.

We managed to give her the time to assess her situation, get the right support and speak to the relevant people.”


The end result was life-changing. Thanks to the support the customer received, she was able to gain control of her finances and eventually sell her property. “She’s now in a better mindset and she’s onto better times,” says Tariq.

For Arkhan, working with customers to offer the most appropriate help and support to get back to financial health and wellbeing is hugely rewarding. “Knowing that I had a massive impact on a customer’s life is absolutely amazing,” he says.

Tariq agrees. “One of the things I love about this role is that I can witness the journey from the point the customer contacted us to the point of financial wellbeing. To be able to see that is a massive reward.”


We’re here to help

We recently announced new measures to help more people take control of their financial wellbeing.


Helping people understand their credit score

We’ve made the Know Your Credit Score service freely available to all non-customers; offering free credit scores, personalised insights and tips to manage and improve it with supporting tools that can allow you to simulate how future financial actions might change it, for example taking out a loan or new credit card.


Support for personal mortgage customers in difficulty

We stopped all fees and charges for personal mortgage customers in persistent financial difficulty who are receiving help from our specialist Financial Health and Support teams.


Training more colleagues to help customers

We've trained 130 facilitators who are ready to deliver workshops on money management and fraud awareness and we intend to train more during 2023.


This is for media use and not a financial promotion.

Information about Know Your Credit Score

Know Your Credit Score is free to use and available for those aged 18 and over with a UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man address following a successful registration with TransUnion. All data is provided by TransUnion and you don’t need to be a NatWest customer.

Information about mortgages

NatWest, RBS and Ulster Bank mortgages are available to over 18s. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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