
NatWest Markets Plc

NatWest Markets Plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NatWest Group plc (NWG), which offers debt financing, risk management and trading solutions to customers. 

NatWest Markets Plc has three principal subsidiaries , which are individual entities in their own right. We operate as one global business with shared customers across a number of regions including the UK, US, Asia Pacific and Europe. View more of NatWest Markets Plc Locations.

Board of Directors

The NatWest Markets Plc Board of Directors is appointed by NWG to manage the affairs of NatWest Markets Plc and is responsible for the long-term success of the entity and the delivery of sustainable value to NWG as shareholder.  

Executive management team

The management team is responsible for assisting the Chief Executive Officer in leading and directing the business to maximise customer and shareholder value within acceptable risk parameters, whilst establishing a sustainable competitive environment in our chosen markets.

Customer Onboarding Information

NatWest Markets Plc investor information

Registration and Branches 

NatWest Markets Plc is registered in Scotland No 90312 with limited liability and is headquartered in London, with branches in Frankfurt, Singapore, a Connecticut representative office and a sales office in Manchester. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. NatWest Markets Plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. NatWest Markets Plc is entered in the FCA's Register and its Register number is 121882. The FCA's Register can be accessed at www.fca.org.uk/register/. NatWest Markets Plc’s registered VAT number is GB 243852752.

Subsidiaries of NatWest Markets 

NatWest Markets N.V. is registered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and has branches located in Germany (Frankfurt), France (Paris), Sweden (Stockholm), and Italy (Milan).

NatWest Markets N.V. is authorised and supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank, the European Central Bank and the Autoriteit Financiële Markten. It has its seat at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and is registered in the Commercial Register under number 33002587. Registered Office: Claude Debussylaan 94, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Agency agreements exist between different members of NatWest Group.  

NatWest Markets Securities Inc. is a registered broker-dealer located in Stamford, Connecticut, USA. Securities business in the United States is conducted through NatWest Markets Securities Inc. a FINRA registered broker-dealer (http://www.finra.org), a SIPC member (www.sipc.org) and a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of NatWest Markets Plc.

NatWest Markets Securities Japan Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong and authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan (Kanto Financial Bureau (Kin-Sho) No. 202) in Japan.